Monday, October 10, 2011

The things I've done!

I haven't been so diligent about keeping up with my blog, but I'm going to work on that! I've done so many rides since the last time I posted! I've ridden with the ABC group many times, do a lot of riding on my own, and have done several organized rides.

One of my favorite rides this past summer was the Bikes Blues & Bayous in Greenwood, MS. I done the long ride which was only about 58 miles. I stayed all weekend and had dinner with some people from ABC both nights. It was a hot ride and we had beer and BBQ afterwards. I met an author, Scott B. Williams, and we did the ride together.

The new Two Rivers Bridge opened in August and I've had a great time riding across it. Drake and I even took a ride around so he could see it for the first time.

September brought the Conway Fall Classic. It was a good ride even if it was a bit cool. I rode 47 miles and had some fanatastic pizza afterwards.

September was also the month for the Big Dam Bridge 100. I rode 71 miles and it had some pretty good hills! I will say that while others got off and pushed their bikes up the hills - I never did! That was a BIG deal for me...the flat, delta land girl! I always meet great people and had a great time riding with new friends John and Chuck. After the ride, there was a big "block party" in the Argenta district for all the participants.  My goal for next year will be to actually ride the 100 mile distance.

October brought the ARKY 100. It was my goal to ride the longest distance. This was going to be my 3rd century. Turned out it was only 97.8 miles and I didn't have it in me to ride a bit more to get in the full 100. It was sunny, warm but VERY WINDY and HILLY! This was one of the most challenging rides for me both mentally and physically. I rode alone the whole time which was a first for me. I'm so glad I had my Ipod with me for a distraction!  So now, I'm going to have to find another ride to get in the last century for this year!

There aren't too many more rides left for this year. If I don't get another century at one of these, I'll just have to do my own! This Saturday I'll be doing the Arkansas Challenge bike ride with wounded warriors. Then I have to decide if I'm going to do Tour de Pumpkin or Tour da Delta....hmmm...decisions, decisions! Time to start thinking about new goals for next year :)

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