Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Ranch Ride

The Ranch Ride was held Saturday, June 4, 2011 in Conway.  It benefited Soaring Wings Ranch and began at Hendrix College. This was the very first Ranch Ride and was full of hills! (Some very BIG hills!)

I was very apprehensive about doing this at first, but I had a new bike buddy that said he would stay with me the whole time. His support really helped me make it through the day!

I rode the long portion - 56 miles and it took me four hours to do. My average speed was 14.08, which isn't that fast...but for all of those hills...I'll take it! That just gives me wiggle room to improve! I will also admit that I had to push my bike up a few of those hills. These legs of mine are use to the flat delta terrain.

There was a sad twist to the day. One lady did die during this ride when her brakes failed coming down a steep hill and she hit a parked car. I'm aware that riding can be dangerous either through my fault or the fault of someone else and I'm always so thankful when I finish a ride safely.

I would definitely like to improve my speed and my ability to climb hills better. There's always something to work on and get better at and I'm excited to see how much faster and easier I can do this ride next year!

Kenny before the ride. He's a strong rider!

The deadly, really steep hill!

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